16 de enero de 2011


La Bisbal d´Empordá

La Bisbal d'Empordà is the capital of the region of the Baix Empordà in Catalonia, Spain.
The town is 29 km south east of Girona, 12 km west of Palafrugell and 19 km north west of Palamós. The town lies on the C-66 road between Girona and Palafrugell/Palamós where it becomes the C-31. The GI-660 to Calonge and Sant Feliu de Guíxols and GI-664 to Cassà de la Selva cross the Gavarres mountains.
The town's name is derived from the Catalan bisbe, meaning "bishop", as the town was under the control of the bishops of Girona. It is constructed on the site of the Roman settlement of Fontanetum, and is sometimes referred to as Fontanet in Old Catalan. The Spanish name of La Bisbal del Ampurdán is no longer in official use.
The towns economy is heavily based on pottery as well as agriculture.
The town is one of the traditional centres of the sardana dance.

Tourist website for la Bisbal and the surrounding villages:

Castells d´Emporda:
A great place to stay although expensive. But the best thing about this castle hotel is that they do a fanatastic value set lunch. Sit on their stunning terrace over looking gorgeous country side and surroundings. Walk in their grounds and enjoy a lazy tranquil afternoon.

Check out the website!!!!


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