7 de febrero de 2011

The Present

Ok some of you have been asking what we would like as a present. We have said from the beginning that your present to us is is you coming to our celebration. We really mean this because we appreciate that attending weddings can be an expensive business. Also we are not after 9 years together getting married for the presents. We have more than we could ever have wished for in life. Also we live in a very small apartment and althought that may change in the future at the moment we still have things in storage from when we arrived from the UK.

So Presents.......... for those of you who want to give us a present there are 3 options you can do 1,2 all or none.

The first option is we have set up a charity donation page with cancer research.

This is the link

If you would like to donate to our personal present we would use any momies to go on honeymoon

The bank account is taken off the blog for security we will inform you another way

  Detalle de cuentas


Just turn up and raise a glass or two or three .... and enjoy the moment with us!!!

But  we really want to say one more time that your present to us is you coming to celebrate infact we can not believe already how many people have said yes they want to come so Thank you and hasta pronto amigos !!!!